Dead Sea Scrolls & the Bible - Fort Worth, Texas Exhibition

Southwestern Archaeology Programs

Southwestern Archaeology
Programs & Education

There are currently two faculty members in the Department of Archaeology, both with active archaeological field projects. Faculty from the Biblical Studies Division of the School of Theology teach appropriate courses for the M.A. in Archaeology and Biblical Studies.

Master of Arts in Archaeology and Biblical Studies

Trains and prepares students to pursue Ph.D. work at a non-confessional institution or to continue studies at Southwestern in a Ph.D. program in Old Testament or New Testament. A strong program in biblical archaeology—but not a “Bible degree with some added archaeology,” as is common in other programs based out of seminaries—it is designed to utilize the social sciences in biblical interpretation. The program focuses on anthropology, archaeology, archaeological method and theory, history, and language; students will not take any of the pastoral ministry, missions, or exegetical courses of a typical seminary program. There are also vibrant research programs in Tel Gezer and in Cyprus.

Master of Divinity with a concentration in Biblical Archaeology

Prepares the minister to augment his ministry with a solid foundation in biblical background study and application of the many discoveries being made in the field of archaeology. It also provides a foundation for further studies in ancient history, archaeology, and biblical backgrounds.

Th.M. and Ph.D. programs are in development.

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